The Importance of Medical Grade Ink for Pad Printing

Medical syringe barrels, catheters, and medical tubing are just a few examples of medical devices used in operating rooms, decorated with ink, that may come in contact with the human body.

Therefore, certain standards and regulations have been put into place by government agencies to ensure biocompatibility.

Determining the most suitable ink system for your medical device pad printing can be difficult. Most major ink manufacturers offer suitable Class VI medical grade ink. However, in our experience, select ink systems offer better adhesion than others when pad printing on certain brand name substrates. Adhesion is key when pad printing on medical devices using medical grade ink.

Medical Grade Ink Tests

Medical devices may require USP Class VI testing to ensure biocompatibility safety. It is the responsibility of the medical device manufacturer to perform biocompatibility testing. Manufacturers should contact the FDA for appropriate testing requirements. These tests allow certified inks to safely be pad printed on various substrates used in medical devices. Below are a few biocompatibility testing examples.

The acute systemic toxicity test measures the potential adverse effect of the use of medical devices or its materials when injected into the body over a 72 hour period.

The intracutaneous test measures the reaction of the body’s tissues when introducing a medical device or its materials between the layers of the skin over a 72 hour period.

The implantation test measures the response of live tissue when the material is implanted inside a live animal over a 5 day period.

Liberty Clark ISO Certification

Experts in Pad Printing with Medical Grade Ink

At Liberty Clark, we have been helping engineers and OEM suppliers choose the most suitable medical grade ink system for their medical device pad printing since the year 2000.

Over the years, we have created a catalog of successful pairings between ink systems and substrates, and the list keeps growing!

Leverage our experience with pad printing using medical grade ink for your next pad printing project.